Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008

Dear Diary,

It's Friday and I'm really glad. I've been so tired this whole week. Last night, I had a dream and I'm pretty sure it was one dream that ran the whole time that I was asleep, but I don't remember what it is anymore. I hate when that happens. My first thought when I woke up was OMG Dance Gavin Dance is having a concert in my room at 7 AM...but actually it was my alarm ringtone.

Nate kept calling me the people's choice as funniest member of our radio show on campus. That was really nice of him. He's a great friend.

Doug kept humming Four Year Strong today and now I have it stuck in my head. In fact, I'm listening to them right now and wishing I could grow a beard. If only Nate weren't so stubborn, we would have the Four Year Strong CD and we could play it on the show. Or if he had been wearing waterproof clothes at Warped Tour. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't say stuff like that. He's such a great friend and he says really nice things about me like I'm the funniest person on the show.

I have a secret to share with you, diary: my friend Kyle didn't actually win homecoming queen. I told everyone on the show that he did...but he really didn't! It was soooo funny.

Why don't I have muscles as big as everyone else? I look at people like Roids Guy and Doug post-glycemic index obsession and I want to look like that. I really hope no one ever finds out that I'm insecure about stuff like that. That would be soooo embarrassing.

Well, it's Friday and tonight I'm hanging out with sorority girls (I'm so popular, LOL :-)). I have a 7 page paper that was due Monday but was extended to Tuesday at 5 PM. That was a very nice thing for the professor to do.

Nate wants me to write an entry for some thing called a blog for our radio show. He keeps bothering me about it. It's kinda like a diary, but online and everyone can read it. Wouldn't it be funny if I posted my deepest darkest thoughts on it like I do in here? LOL! That would be soooo embarrassing!!! If I did that, I would have to edit some parts out, or at least not copy all the names of my crushes scribbled in the middle of hearts at the bottom of this page! LOL! ;-)

Talk to you tomorrow,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin's attempt at a joke killed this blog.